♥ I'm back to the island !!! ♥
super duper exhausted , slept not more than four hours a night ,
and now , I'm SICK :c
flu + sore throat + cough non-stop
and my leg were badly bitten by don't know what thingy
it is killing me seriously !! arghh
although it's exhausted , but I really enjoyed the time spend with my family
the family I mean is : dad , mum , sisters and brothers
not including *THEM*
had lots of fun with sisters and brothers
♥ ^^* ♥
say bye to my fair-skinned , I'm having darker skin now
good thing or bad thing (but HE say he prefer my fair skin)
but is okay , because I know my suntanned skin won't last long
actually we lay sunning ourselves on the beach to get suntan XD
I do really enjoyed when the sun kissing my skin while having sunbathing
will update my blog SOON ♥
need to make some preparation before attend the class tomorrow
will study hard from now onwards , seriously (without cross finger behind)
so sorry that I didn't included both of you in my *family* ,
I'm sick of the way that both of you've behave,
(not only me , but also my siblings)
both of you are too obvious until my brothers and sisters realized that too
please don't keep using our money ,
if no money then just don't be so greedy ,
and no need to buy all those branded stuff ..
please stop complaining this and that to others ,
but in other way , you all should appreciate that dad had actually paid for everything .
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