I'm so proud to say that I went hiking !!! *evil laugh* on last Saturday, with coursemates and lecturer it was a last minute plan, but we made it *weee* it's actually the first outing of our class although my legs pain like hell after I woke up in the next morning but it's fun, seriously !
took while waiting for the super slow Benjamin to pick me up
this is the place we went, National park
on the way
at Monkey beach the boys and girls ignore my ugly face *.*
ya, you may call me as FATTY I gained a lots of kgs in this few months !! * arghh * sister and mum keep complaining that I'm fat and now, even my brother and dad said that I'm a roly-poly girl now this is the very first time my dad said that I'm a plump round-faced girl * ish * however, dad said that I looks better in this way,*winks* since I got heart face shape, if I'm too skinny, I would have a skinny cheeks too, this is not good in chinese feng shui, this is the reason why my dad said I looks better now. now, at least I got a very good reason to be fat *evil laugh*
this is the main reason why I become plump and round
I'm happy with it but stop gaining weight anymore *winks* just make a stop at this point
dear diary, I'm glad that I'm here again, *clap hand* since I had disappeared from this world for like a century, I'm here again to update myself . winks*
As I always complains, second year life isn't easy at all, I don't wanna fail any single subject I'm taking this year, so, what to do beside study hard. at the very beginning of this sems, I'm proud that I'm quite hardworking, *winks** however, is sad to said that I'm not as hardworking as last few months. * it sounds so sad * eww . I just don't know why. feel like my tyre start leaking . I'm super duper lazy. *ishh* but, I must force myself to study hard still.
until here, It's presumable that the reason why I didn't update my blog doesn't really relate to my study. The main reason is because of my LAZINESS !!! I can stay at home or even in my room for the whole day long, even I'm not tired, I just wanna to lie on my bed, and doing nothing. I don't feel like doing anything, even when I feel super boring. the worse is that when I feel like searching internet, but due to my laziness to open my Macbook, then I'll just forget about it and continue my day dreaming topics. or even more worst is that when I feel hungry but due to my laziness, I'll force myself to fall in sleep, since I won't feel hungry anymore when I was sleeping. Arghh... I'm totally a lazy bum bum !!!
during those months, I almost spend all my time watching series, playing all those meaningless game ( as what boyfie said ) I just don't feel like going anywhere or do anythings. I'll show you what games I'm playing recently.
1. Bakery Story
2 + 3. Restaurant Story (one restaurant story in my iPad and another one in my iPhone)
4. Zoombie Cafe ( which I stopped to play now )
total, I have to manage 4 cafe everyday, kinda busy. I have to cook, serve, collect tips, upgrade, design my cafe and all those trivial matters.
So, this is my so-called reasonable reason for not update my blog for such a long time *slap me*
will update more next time will be back very soon *without crossing my finger behind*